Brand strategy: what the hell is it and why do you need it?
Why brand strategy? Simply put, a brand needs more than a logo. It needs a strategy. It needs a plan.
A brand strategy is just that, a plan. It is a researched and thought out answer to the how, why, when, which, and what of a brand.
A brand strategy defines what a business stands for and how they will convey that message over time.
A brand strategy includes, perhaps most obviously, a name, a logo, a color palette, and a font. But it does not stop there - it also includes competitive analysis, a purpose statement, objectives, values, identity, positioning, story, personality, promise, voice, creative direction, and the list goes on.
Before a brand message can be conceived a brand needs to understand their strategy, as it informs every decision in communication, creative, and brand. The more comprehensive a strategy, the easier it will be to make decisions that are inline with that strategy.
A comprehensive strategy leads to cohesive brand messaging; and cohesive brand messaging is the foundation of a strong brand.
First, get clear on your business and your goals.The foundation of a brand strategy begins with defining:
What is the objective?
Who is it trying to reach?
What does success look like?
After carefully answering these questions, building out the brand strategy becomes possible.
You can begin to create a brand strategy.
Developing a brand strategy requires identifying the brand identity, purpose, and vision. These are the three pillars that a brand strategy looks back to throughout planning - every action and direction made needs to be in line and in pursuit of the unique brand identity, purpose, and vision.
Identify your unique brand identity. This is how your brand begins to separate itself in the marketplace.
Identify your purpose. This is why your clients/customers come to you.
Identify your vision. This is what you will create and where you want to take your business.
From these foundations and with time, building out a robust brand strategy that elevates a brand to the next level is possible.